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Recognition for Reviewers VOLKSON PRESS is Utilizing Publons Services

A reviewer’s input to the editorial process is invaluable, and as publishers, we seek recognize the efforts of reviewers. The ways reviewers currently receive recognition varies from journal to journal, and can include:

  • Being included in a journal’s annual list of reviewers, typically in the year’s first or last issue. This is the most common form of recognition
  • Receiving complimentary online access to the journal, or package of journals, for a specific time period
  • Getting a letter or certificate of contribution from the journal editor
    Getting recognition when you peer review with VOLKSON PRESS journals
  • Build your profile on Publons Publons records your reviewer activity as a measurable research output, and ensures that you get credit each time you complete a peer review.
  • Make sure you register for an ORCID iD and link it to your Publons account You can opt-in to have Publons automatically export your review history to your ORCID profile.
  • Claim VOLKSON PRESS credits for your review activity
  • Get your Reviewer Recognition Certificate after you review (available from over 20 VOLKSON PRESS journals)
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