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Scientific Writing – Volkson Press

Scientific Writing Help

How can I develop my writing?
What should I write to the Discussion and Introduction?
How can I save time?
How can I convince editors?
How do I get better reviewer comments?

Are looking for answers to these questions or are you struggling with writing a scientific article or thesis dealing with Ecological and Environmental Sciences?

We offer personalised services for scientific writing and editing with the aim to teach you writing and get your article published in a reasonable time. We believe that the form is important, but the substance is even more important. In our service, substance comes before style.

Write Science

Our leading thought is to develop the manuscript together with the authors.

The cornerstone in our work is the personal contact with discussions by Email, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.

Feel free to contact us by going to Zi Editage. Just click the button below.

We provide support in English, Finnish, Chinese and Japanese.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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