Special Issues
for Volkson Press Journals
We are inviting proposals for Special Issues (SI) within the scope of the Volkson Press Journals. We envision two types of such proposals:
- Standalone proposals – where papers are sought through Calls for Papers distributed through channels available to the journals and to the SI Editors,
- Issues associated with a “conference event” (conference, workshop, symposium, etc.) – here, papers originate from the event as well as from an open Call for Papers distributed through channels available to the journals and to the SI Editors.
In order to agree about organization of a special issue, the Editor-in-Chief of specific journal should be contacted by e-mail at least six months before the first deadline of the SI call. To propose a SI, the following documents should be submitted:
- General description of the proposed SI, including the target audience and source(s) of contributions,
- Proposed methods of advertising / reaching potential contributors,
- Draft of the Call for Papers,
- List of editors including summaries of their professional experience and e-mails,
- Proposed timetable of actions – taking into account the quarterly cycle of publication in Volkson Press Journals.
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their merit, match with the scope of the journal and potential for collecting large enough number of high-quality contributions.
If the special issue is accepted by the editorial board, further steps are related to:
- Agreement about details of the review process (through journal editorial system or off-line);
- Agreement about the deadlines
- Agreement about channels and timeline of dissemination of the Call for Papers
Each SI will be assigned a Support Editor, representing the journal, to provide advice and help at each step of the procedure of completing the process of publishing an SI.
The dissemination of the Call for Papers to the community interested in the special issue is expected to be done mainly by the special issue editors. The journal editorial board will help this process through their usual dissemination channels.
Papers must be submitted and reviewed through the journal on-line system. All reviews and paper revisions have to be uploaded in the journal submission system. The special issue editors will receive access to the editorial system and will be able to assign reviewers.
The shortest possible timeline for the preparation of the Special Issue is as follows:
- Proposal fof the special issue: month 0
- Call appearance and call dissemination: month 1
- Deadline for submissions: month 4
- Deadline for reviews: month 5
- Deadline for revised papers: month 6
- Publication of special issue: month 7
Actual timelines may vary and will be negotiated according to the availability of space for special issue publication, and therefore a longer timeline is expected.
Currently, SCPE is indexed in: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, DBLP, CiteFactor, Open Access Library, Index Copernicus (submitted for indexation). We are systematically working to extend this list.